Commercial Real Estate Dictionary
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9
F    Feasibility study    >>    Friable
Feasibility studyA feasibility study is an analysis of the economic, regulatory, and technical viability of a real estate development project. Fee simple absoluteFee simple absolute is the highest form of holding title in real estate in which the property owner has unconditional and absolute ownership of real property. Fee simple absolute is an estate that is perpetual. It exists beyond the life of the owner and can be inherited. Fee simple defeasibleFee simple defeasible is a form of holding title to real property that is subject to a condition. FloodplainA floodplain is an area of land that is subject to flooding from an adjacent body of water. Floor load capacityFloor load capacity is the total maximum weight a floor is engineered to support over a given area. In the U.S. it is expressed as pounds per square foot.

Floors are engineered to carry a maximum static load and a maximum dynamic load that can't be exceeded without the risk of compromise to the structure.

ForeclosureForeclosure is a legal process through which the lender (mortgagee) can force the sale of real property to satisfy the debt in the event the borrower (mortgagor) defaults on the mortgage. FriableFriable is the quality of a material such that it may crumble or be brittle, possibly releasing particles into the air. In real estate and construction, this quality takes on importance as certain materials may diffuse harmful particles into the environment.
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