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Density Zoning

Definitions of Density Zoning

  • Density zoning is zoning restrictions upon land use intensity. Density zoning can be used to limit or encourage development in alignment with planning objectives according to the needs and objectives of the community.
In This Article

Density Zoning | Urban Planning and Real Estate Development

What Is Density Zoning?

Density zoning is zoning ordinances and regulations that limit development by restricting land use intensity.

Zoning may restrict the number of units per parcel or per given area of land. The greater the number of units allowed on a given area of land, the greater the density and more intense the land use.

How Do City Planners Use Density Zoning?

Density Zoning Helps Manage Growth

Density zoning allows cities and counties to restrict and manage growth and development in accordance with their objectives. Local governments may establish minimum or maximum density requirements for future development projects.

Density Zoning Can Encourage Development

Local governments can also increase density restrictions to encourage redevelopment. Greater density allows for developers to build more units on a given area of land, thereby increasing profitability for developers.

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