Commercial Real Estate Encyclopedia
Valuation and Financial Analysis >> Investment Property Value And Return
Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement | Pro Forma Real Estate Investment Analysis  >>

Investment Property Valuation: Calculations And Return On Investment

One of the most important dimensions that drive the market value of a commercial property is its value as an investment. Unlike owner occupied residential homes, most commercial properties are occupied by tenants who pay rent. This rent produces an income stream for the property owner that drives demand for commercial property as an investment. This demand influences the market for all commercial properties whether or not they are owner occupied or owned as investments.

Whatever method is used to help indicate the investment value of a commercial property, they all depend on the property's revenue, income, or cash flow to have any meaning. For this reason, the first step in beginning the process of applying any valuation methods, rates, and multipliers depends on the ability to determine a commercial property's income going forward for the next prospective investor.

The Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement is the industry standard most commonly used to bring everyone on the same page with respect to the financial outlook of a subject property. The Pro Forma provides the numbers needed by the Gross Rate Multiplier, the Cap Rate, the Cash On Cash Return, and the IRR.

These tools are discussed more below, and in the following pages.


Proforma Cash Flow Analysis, Valuation, and Return On Investment

Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement

The Pro Forma Cash Flow Analysis serves as the basis for projecting and analyzing an investment property's potential future financial performance. The statement may be based on past performance, market based assumptions, or a mix of both.

The pro forma cash flow statement resembles a simplified income statement. The proforma provides the Scheduled Gross Income, Net Operating Income, and Cash Flow Before Taxes needed to calculate the property valuation indicators and rates of return used to analyze investment properties.

Investment Property Valuation

For marketing and analysis, it is important to be able to estimate the market value of investments. In real estate, the cap rate, gross rent multiplier, and discounted cash flow analysis are three tools used to provide indications of market value.

The capitalization approach applies a market determined cap rate to the net operating income two estimate investment value. The gross rent multiplier is a market determined number that is multiplied by gross income to arrive at a market value.

Real Estate Return On Investment

Investments are made to earn a return. Rates of returns help investors understand an investment's performance, risk, and attractiveness.

In real estate investment, the internal rate of return and cash on cash return are frequently used to evaluate and compare investments. The cash on cash return projects an investment property's return looking forward one year once operating expenses and debt service is paid.

Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement | Pro Forma Real Estate Investment Analysis  >>
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