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Sector theory

Definitions of Sector theory

  • Sector model of urban development is a principle that states real estate development occurs in different wedge shaped sectors emanating from a city center where land use aggregates due to transportation routes, cost, and other environmental factors.
In This Article

Sector Theory | Planning And Urban Development

What Is The Sector Theory Of Development?

Sector theory is a model of urban development proposed by Homer Hoyt. The sector model of urban growth occurs in sectors that radiate out from a city's central business district (CBD). The sectors radiate out like pie shaped wedges from the central business district.

Each wedge shaped sector that emanates from a central business district represents a specific land use, and consequently represents a distinct area of land values. Land uses are various grades of either commercial or residential.

The wedges in the sector model of urban development separate one land use from another. A wealthy residential sector may be separated from an industrial sector by a residential sector that is lower in income. However each sector is driven by transportation to the central business district and land costs.

Sector theory advances the notion of transportation routes driving urban development proposed in the axial theory of urban development by recognizing the distinct areas of land use and how they either complement or oppose each other.

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