Commercial Real Estate Dictionary
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Definitions of Downzoning

  • Downzoning is a zoning regulation change of an area from a more intense or dense land use to a less intense land use.

What Is Downzoning?

Downzoning is a change in zoning regulations where a more intense use of land is reduced to a less intense land use.

An example of downzoning would be rezoning an area that previously allowed duplexes to only allow single family homes. Another example would be a measure to disallow accessory dwelling units.

Communities and local governments may wish to downzone certain areas and neighborhoods in response to problems that arise from more dense uses. Congestion, close proximity of neighbors or conflicting land uses may prompt local government to respond to these types of problems through downzoning.

Downzoning can be a controversial measure as it reduces the options property owners have to add value to their property. Consequently, property owners fear a loss in property value as well as limitations on their future possibilities and plans to improve their property.

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