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Capital improvements projects

Definitions of Capital improvements projects

  • Capital improvement projects are investments in infrastructure. Examples of capital improvement projects include the construction, repair, or replacement of buildings, roadways, bridges, parks, and ports.
    Congress approved funding on several capital improvement projects to spur the economy and maintain important infrastructure.
In This Article

Capital Improvement Projects | Economic Development And Infrastructure

What Are Capital Improvement Projects?

Capital improvement projects are capital expenditures made in infrastructure. They are necessary to sustain, support, and grow healthy and functional communities and economies. Capital improvement projects include the construction, improvement, and maintenance of any infrastructure items.

What Is Infrastructure?

Infrastructure consists of the structures, framework, or systems that support our society and communities. These systems include our transportation routes, educational institutions, waste management processes, recreational parks, water facilities, and flood control systems.

Government Spending On Capital Improvement Prjoects

Capital improvement projects are typically associated with government spending. Sources of capital for such projects include taxes and fees, municipal or other government bonds, and federal or state grants.

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